Each mala consists of 108 beads. The number 108 holds special significance in Indian and spiritual traditions, including mala beads used in meditation and prayers in Hinduism and Buddhism. This number symbolizes three states of contemplation and liberation from 108 passions and irritations.
6 Senses
The 6 sense organs (smell, awareness, hearing, sight, taste, and the sixth sense - consciousness) create human passions.
3 types
Sensations can be pleasant, unpleasant, or neutral, resulting in 18 sensations (6 × 3 = 18)
2 states
Sensations may lead a person to a state of attachment or, on the contrary, detachment, multiplying them (18 × 2 = 36)
3 dimensions
The 36 sensations exist in the past, present, and future, resulting in 108 “passions and influences” (36 × 3)